5 Cost Effective Ways To Increase Your HVAC Efficiency

cost effective ways to increase hvac efficiency

Save Money On Your Monthly Energy Bill

Summer is just around the corner and in California, that means high temps and even higher power bills. Grizzly HERS Testing is committed to providing our customers with tips and tricks to save money on their energy costs. With that being said, HVAC efficiency is one of the largest contributors to reducing your monthly energy usage. Here’s a short 5 step checklist to help ensure your HVAC unit is performing optimally during the months you need it most.

  • Use or Install Whole House Fans
  • Experiment WIth Thermostat Settings
  • Air Filter Maintenance
  • Pre-Season Service
  • Get A HERS Test

Use or Install Whole House Fans

While a typical box or ceiling fan will not actually lower the temperature of your house, they do help move the stagnant air that collects and rises on hot days. Fans also provide a cooling sensation to anyone in the fan’s path. This makes the air inside feel cooler than it actually is, but unfortunately does little or nothing to actually lower your monthly power bill.

If you’re looking to save money on your energy costs with the use of a fan we recommend installing or using a whole house fan. A properly installed house fan actually removes the hot air from your house by pulling it up and out through your attic or crawl space.

Experiment With Thermostat Settings

One of the best ways to save money on your monthly energy costs is to set your thermostat to different settings depending on the activities happening in your home. For example, when you are away from home or sleeping, set the thermostat back 7°-10°. According to the U.S. Department of Energy,

“In the summer, you can follow the same strategy with central air conditioning by keeping your house warmer than normal when you are away, and setting the thermostat to 78°F only when you are at home and need cooling. Set your thermostat at as high a temperature as comfortably possible and ensure humidity control if needed. The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall cooling bill will be.”

Air Filter Maintenance

Air filter maintenance is one of the easier items to complete on our checklist and is one of the most overlooked. Your cooling unit will depend on where the filter is located, and you can likely find this information in your owner’s manual or an online tutorial. The next step is to determine if the filter can be cleaned or if it needs to be replaced. According to energy.gov, you should check your filter every 1-2 months. “Replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioner’s energy consumption by 5% to 15%.” Another thing to remember is outside factors that can contribute to lower cooling efficiency. Pet Dander, excessive dust, and allergens can quickly clog a filter. If there are outside factors such as these, it may be required to check your filters more frequently.

Pre-Season Service

To encourage a longer life expectancy of your mechanical equipment, it is recommended to have your certified technician perform a yearly maintenance. Like all mechanical devices, HVAC units experience wear and tear during usage. Dirt and debris build up in coils and blower wheels, electric terminals loosen and wear down and sometimes the refrigerant may become low. It is important to hire a professional and reputable HVAC service company for your pre-season service if you’re not comfortable. We recommend this service before each busy season for your heating and cooling systems.

Get A HERS Rating

Uneven cooling in rooms, higher than usual energy bills, and excess dirt around vents are all signs your system has a leak. Unfortunately, finding leaks without the proper equipment can lead you on wild goose chase to identify the problem. One of the most effective ways to determine the overall health and HVAC efficiency is through a certified HERS test. A HERS test will provide an unbiased look into multiple areas of your home, including the HVAC system, insulation and more. With this information you will be able to create a plan to address the problematic areas raising your monthly energy costs. While a HERS Rating will not actually fix the areas in your home, it will provide you with a roadmap to maximum energy efficiency.

HVAC Efficiency Will Save You Money

Balancing comfort and cost can be a challenging task for any homeowner in California. With rising temperatures, energy costs, and regulations it can easily become overwhelming. Luckily, there are thousands of sources of great information on how to cut usage and save money each month. It’s important to learn about your specific systems so you can fully maximize their efficiency. If you would like to learn more about Grizzly HERS Testing and how our services can improve your HVAC efficiency, please browse our site, give us a call or fill out our online form today!

Grizzly HERS Testing
Grizzly HERS Testing

Grizzly HERS Testing is a certified HERS Rater and Energy Consultant. We specialize in Title 24 HERS Verifications, Residential HERS Testing, Mechanical Acceptance Testing and Title 24 Energy Calculations.