What Is A Title 24 Energy Calculation?

When Are Title 24 Energy Calculations Needed?

Not only are Title 24 Energy Calculations required in California for all new construction, additions and major remodels, but they are also beneficial to the home or building owner. Energy Calculations are administered by an Energy Consultant, who typically works directly with the architect or contractor during a residential or commercial project. An energy calculation is performed during the planning stages of a new construction or renovations and is required before permits can be issued.

A Quick Overview of Title 24 Energy Calculations

  • Required In California for all new construction, additions and major remodels
  • Performed by an Energy Consultant with Certified Software
  • Building Plans and Blueprints Must Be Submitted

What is An Energy Calculation, and Why Are They Important?

A Title 24 Calculation is performed by a trained energy consultant and consists of analyzing your construction plans and blueprints using California certified energy software. During the analysis, the consultant will ensure all current building plans meet regulations and will provide alternatives if the initial plan does not meet the energy code. An experienced consultant will quickly identify potential tradeoffs and guide your project to Title 24 compliance.

Title 24 compliance is mandatory in California, but a calculation can also help save money for the building owner. Using state of the art technology, the energy consultant can find cost-saving options on everything from the HVAC system to the building materials used in construction.

What Is “Certified Software” and How Does It Work?

When it comes to Title 24 Compliance, it does not pay to cut corners. Energy efficiency has been a priority of California legislators since the late 1970s. Failure to comply can lead to costly fines and project setbacks. While the details of Title 24, Part 6 may be hard to digest, the experts in the industry are there to assist you each step of the way.

As it is with any construction or renovation project, planning is essential to success. To ensure this success, the California Energy Commission (CEC) has created a building energy standard that must be met for a project to be compliant. The CEC has a shortlist of certified software options for Title 24 Energy Calculations. Designed by energy efficiency experts, all building aspects related to Title 24 compliance are factored into the programming. These certified programs guarantee their results and in the hands of a trained consultant can save you time and money. After the project is calculated and has passed, the energy consultant send the documents to the client via email.

If you have any questions on our Title 24 Calculations, HERS Rating, or would like to view our energy-saving tips, contact us today. Our certified HERS Raters and Energy Consultants will be happy to answer your questions and assist you with your Title 24 Compliance needs.

Grizzly HERS Testing
Grizzly HERS Testing

Grizzly HERS Testing is a certified HERS Rater and Energy Consultant. We specialize in Title 24 HERS Verifications, Residential HERS Testing, Mechanical Acceptance Testing and Title 24 Energy Calculations.