Duct Leakage Test (DB)



Know The True Efficiency of Your HVAC System With A Duct Leakage Test

The duct test verification is the most common field test. With a couple of exemptions, there will almost always be a duct test with an HVAC change-out. According to the Energy Star, an average home may lose up to 30% of conditioned air because of a leaky duct system. Leaky ducts will increase electric bills, reduce equipment performance, and may result in potentially dangerous indoor air quality problems. A Duct Test is the only way to determine how much air an HVAC system is leaking.

Our Relevant Certifications

  • Cheers – Alterations, New Construction
  • CalCERTS – Alterations, New Construction
  • Building Performance Institute – Building Analyst Professional
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – Refrigerant Handling Certification

Additional Information About Duct Leakage Tests

Anybody who owns a home or business is a good candidate for a Duct Test.  The results will reveal valuable information about your HVAC system’s efficiency and what you can do to improve it. 

Duct Tests are required in California for people who have existing homes as a permitted mechanical change out, and existing homes that have a structural alteration or addition. Duct Tests are also required for newly constructed homes.

If a CF1 R is involved,  any tests or verification on that 1R Form is considered required by the state of California. Mechanical change outs are determined by equipment replacement and  building climate zone, additions and new construction are determined by the title 24 report

Most important benefit is to determine if the system is efficient or not.  This information will also help determine potential corrections to increase efficiency.  

First a visual inspection is done to verify what was or wasn’t installed. While doing so, we make sure the system is all intact and safe to use. Test are determined by climate zone, what was in stalled, and the construction of the home.

For Duct leakage we use a Minneapolis ductblaster.

Our Title 24 HERS Testing Certifications

Here are some helpful links related to HERS. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, reach out to us, we’re here to help.

Energy code Ace is a simplified website that helps us navigate through the complicated process of Title 24 part 6.

The Energy Code Ace suite of tools is designed to help you identify the forms, installation techniques and standards relevant to building projects in California.

Energy Code Ace Training Courses target a wide range of “hot topic” measures and audience groups, and are provided in a variety of formats.

Energy code Ace Resources provides resources to help facilitate effective implementation of California’s building and appliance energy efficiency standards.

The California Energy Commission plays a critical role in creating the energy system of the future – one that is clean, is modern, and ensures the fifth largest economy in the world continues to thrive.

Here is where you can find current, past and future standards for both residential and commercial buildings.

Energy.gov has excellent resources when it comes to saving energy and money while creating building comfort.